July 18, 2019

Village Manor Residents Making the Best of the Boxmaster

Photo: (left) Impact Sports & Fitness Trainer, Anita Larson, helps Village Manor resident, Lou Manning get her gloves on before class. (right) Village Manor resident,
Della Leadford, works hard on her boxing sequence.

The new BoxMaster Quad at Impact Sports and Fitness, in Abilene, is getting use from people of all ages and stages.

Memorial Health System would like to recognize the Jeffcoat Memorial Foundation for the generous donation, which is paying for some Village Manor residents to receive BoxMaster lessons, two times a week, for twelve weeks.

“It has been very rewarding working with the residents,” Impact Sports and Fitness Trainer, Anita Larson said. “They are all making so much progress, and they are always smiling. This is a win-win for all of us.”

The BoxMaster classes are non-contact boxing classes designed to develop footwork, improve coordination, and strengthen the vocal muscles by yelling out combinations.

Boxing appears to be neuro-protective, slowing the disease’s progression and allowing for a better quality of life for those participating. BoxMaster is key in facilitating this treatment, as the numbers on the pads allow users to create any combination of punches they desire, with specific pad placement designed for different types of punches (jabs, crosses, hooks, and uppercuts).

BoxMaster’s durable numbered pads force the user to think about where their fist will connect next, ideal for those trying to improve coordination and balance. BoxMaster is stationary and adjustable, allowing the user to raise or lower its frame to the proper height for punching, and providing stability for patients who are less comfortable with a moving target.

For more information about BoxMaster classes at Impact Sports and Fitness, call 263-3888.

MHS News