August 24, 2020

Health System Employees Recognized for Service

Memorial Health System honored 42 employees for their 465 years of combined service during a service awards ceremony, recently held in the Nichols Education Center in Abilene, which included a presentation of service pins and gifts.

Employees honored for five years of service were:  Dawn Berry, Tamara Black, Michelle Brown, Hannah Burleson, Shelbie Carter, Jordan Findley, Danielle Gantner, Ashley Hernandez, Herman Hoffman, Kay Hoffman, Viktoria Koehler, Kelly Mayden, Carolyn Mikesell, Laurol Schmidt, Rachelle Sims, Sandra Spani, Susan Weberg, Ellaina White, and Denise Zook.  (Those in attendance are pictured below)

Employees receiving ten year service awards were:  Katy Barbieri, Beth Bryson, Jennifer Brooks, Michelle McClanahan, Matt Mead, Renauda Rutz, Matt Schlagel, and Ladonna Shaffer. (Those in attendance are pictured below)

Ten-year service award recipients in attendance shown (from left): Beth Bryson,
Michelle McClanahan, Matt Mead, Matt Schlagel, and Renauda Rutz.

Employees honored for 15 years of service were:  Elisa Clore, Ryan Crist, Jennell Hartman, Carla Richardson, Maureen Riordan, Judy Weaver, Leslie Welsh, and Kathy Woodard. (Those in attendance are pictured below)

Fifteen-year service award recipients in attendance shown (from left): Elisa Clore, Jennell Hartman, and Leslie Welsh.

Four employees honored for 20 years of service were:  Matilda Calvin, Amy Rice, Dr. William Short, and Melissa Taplin. (Those in attendance are pictured below)

Twenty-year service award recipients Matilda Calvin and Dr. William Short.

Those honored for 30 years of service were:  Susan Keim, Holly Pomeroy, and Barb Karraker. (Those in attendance are pictured below)

Thirty-year service award recipient, Barb Karraker (shown at center), with MHS Board of Trustees, Chairman, Dr. Steve Schwarting (left), and MHS CEO, Harold Courtois (right).

Congratulations to all award recipients.

MHS News