May 19, 2021

Diabetes Support Group to Meet Tuesday, June 1

The Dickinson County Diabetes Support Group meets on the first Tuesday of each month, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., in Memorial Hospital Conference Room B. The next meeting will take place on June 1st. All participants are required to wear a mask to the meeting, and social distancing will be followed.

Summer is quickly approaching, and with the COVID restrictions starting to lift, a nice vacation may be in your future! Whether you are taking a weekend trip or going international, traveling with diabetes takes a bit of planning. For starters, traveling can get you out of your routine. Unplanned delays, unfamiliar food, and being more active than normal can cause unexpected variations in your blood sugar. Don’t let your diabetes management go on vacation just because you are!

This month, the Diabetes Support Group will discuss ways to plan ahead to ensure you are prepared for that much needed vacation!

The Dickinson County Diabetes Support Group is open to anyone with diabetes and family members of those with diabetes. Marcy Newcomer RD, LD, CDCES, Memorial Health System (MHS) Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist leads the group, and encourages community members to attend, “our support group is open to people with a current diabetes diagnosis, pre-diabetes, or a caregiver for someone with diabetes.”

Newcomer prepares a different topic for each month, and provides attendees with a month/seasonal specific recipe at each meeting.

The Dickinson County Diabetes Support Group also has a Facebook group. To join, just search Facebook for the “Dickinson County Kansas Diabetes Support Group,” and request to join the group.

The Dickinson County Diabetes Support Group is affiliated with the American Diabetes Association, MHS, and K-State Research and Extension, Dickinson County.  For more information, call Marcy Newcomer, MHS Registered Dietitian & Nutritionist at (785) 263-6676 or K-State Research and Extension, Dickinson County, at 785-263-2001.

MHS News