January 25, 2024

Impact Sports and Fitness Adds Personal Trainer

Impact Sports and Fitness in Abilene announces the addition of Danielle Ridder to the staff as a Nationally Certified Personal Trainer. Danielle is a familiar face to many patrons at the fitness facility because she works out there almost daily and has been a member for about four years.

“What began as a simple means to exercise and be strong has evolved into an absolute passion and lifestyle,” said Danielle. “I love seeing the friendly, familiar faces at Impact, and I have a heart for people. Impact Sports and Fitness is like an extended family, and I SO appreciate the friendly atmosphere! There is great equipment and machines to challenge all levels of fitness,” she continued.

Danielle’s passion for exercise made it an easy decision to join the staff at Impact Sports and Fitness. “I look forward to being a supportive, accountable trainer. My love for fitness and strength training, and my heart to help people reach their goals, is the perfect pairing! I cannot wait to see how this chapter grows and challenges myself to be the best I can in this field,” Danielle said.

Danielle is from Abilene and graduated from Chapman High School in the class of 2003. She is married to Scott and they have a son, Kylen, and two daughters, Locklynn and McKenna. In her spare time, in addition to being an avid fitness enthusiast, Danielle is a “thrift-aholic,” enjoys all things coffee, house decorating, and singing in her church’s worship team.

Impact Sports and Fitness is thrilled to add Danielle as a sixth Nationally Certified Personal Trainer to their staff of fitness professionals. For more information about Impact Sports and Fitness, an affiliate of Memorial Health System, visit mhsks.org/impact.





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